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Primary Practice Areas

Business Law | Sonoma Law Group

Business Law

Much of our practice involves providing innovative and common sense legal advice to assist our clients in their business endeavors. Learn More

Real Estate Law | Sonoma Law Group

Real Estate Law

We have extensive experience in the intricacies of real estate law, and we work hard to make sure our clients receive the intended benefit from their transactions. Learn More

Business Organizations | Sonoma Law Group

Business Organizations

We form and represent limited partnerships, limited liability companies and all manner of corporations (professional, nonprofit and special purpose) Learn More

Tax Law | Sonoma Law Group

Tax Law

We are skilled at evaluating business and transaction structures, and work with our clients and their other advisors to help minimize or defer tax costs. Learn More

Estate Planning | Sonoma Law Group

Estate Planning

We offer a full service estate planning practice encompassing the preparation of trusts, wills, powers of attorney and other estate planning documents.Learn More

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